Your Greatest Distraction from Manifestation

 Have you ever complained that there's not enough time in the day to get everything you want to get done accomplished? Between work and chores and getting your obligatory 8 hours of rest in every night (in theory), there's not enough time to manifest your heart's desire? Well, I'm here to tell you that, for 90% of everyone you know, that not having enough time thing is totally bogus. Where is all the time going, you ask. What could possibly be sucking the life out of our schedule so drastically? Hint: It's not your work or school routine. Big shocker, it's technology. 

Here's a great exercise to try out: go on your phone and go to Settings. Scroll down until you see 'screen time' or 'digital wellbeing' (for android users). It will show you a bar graph of your cell phone usage and what apps you use and how long you use them. I was quite frankly shocked at how many hours a day I use my phone. My average is still over 4 hours total to this day. Some of the time I use my phone is for work purposes, but there's still a lot of it that's not. All those quick glances at your phone throughout the day add up over time. Imagine if you took all that time and put it towards working on your affirmations or keeping up with your mental diet? How much time would that shave off your overall manifestation time?

The major barrier to putting this into practice is the boredom factor. Saying affirmations or correcting wayward thoughts when they surface is honestly just not that interesting as scrolling through social media or even looking at bank or credit card balances. I know, the weird things we do in the name of entertainment. One way I found that I overcome this is literally counting my affirmations with a counter app (I like one that's called Counter on the Apple App Store) or timing my affirmations for 10 minutes each for my three. This makes it more like a game in my mind and creates enough interest for me to want to get them done.

 Reminder, my affirmations are :

1. I'm so rich

2. I manifest quickly and easily

3. My family life is perfect

Something tells me that if I stay saying my affirmations all day, I don't have to worry about a mental diet so much. Because your mind is so full of affirmations it doesn't have space for the doubts and fears. I say this because the alternative, correcting a bad mental diet, can be so damn challenging.  But I know it's super crucial to the success of my manifestations to not allow my mind to be filled with high ass levels of negativity, so I just gotta get it done no matter the cost. If it means being delusional then that's just how it's gotta be. 

I challenge you to replace some of your screen time with working on your mental diet or affirmations. I'm going to work on doing this this week and let you know my results at the end of the week. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop them below!


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