Your Greatest Distraction from Manifestation
Have you ever complained that there's not enough time in the day to get everything you want to get done accomplished? Between work and chores and getting your obligatory 8 hours of rest in every night (in theory), there's not enough time to manifest your heart's desire? Well, I'm here to tell you that, for 90% of everyone you know, that not having enough time thing is totally bogus. Where is all the time going, you ask. What could possibly be sucking the life out of our schedule so drastically? Hint: It's not your work or school routine. Big shocker, it's technology. Here's a great exercise to try out: go on your phone and go to Settings. Scroll down until you see 'screen time' or 'digital wellbeing' (for android users). It will show you a bar graph of your cell phone usage and what apps you use and how long you use them. I was quite frankly shocked at how many hours a day I use my phone. My average is still over 4 hours total to this day. ...