Scripting the Day I Passed the Real Estate Exam

Note: Scripting is the process of writing out your desires as if they've already manifested. Scripting makes your goals feel more attainable because you've already mapped out a possible way to achieve them.

We pull up to 1515 Clay St and it looks just how I'd imagined it. The imposing grey building with levels demarcated by shelf-like blockie windowsills stood proudly amongst the other official buildings of Downtown Oakland. I leaned over and kissed Babe farewell and he says Don't worry you'll do great. I leave my phone and purse in the car with him because I'd have to put them in a locker anyway, can't have those things during the exam.  All I need is myself up there, the test is all on computers. 

I walk to the elevator and press '7'. I walk by room 702 and, upon inspection, realize the room must be in 703. Both suite numbers were noted on the website. I find an open computer station and sit down, looking to my left and right, realizing that the test is social distanced. 6 ft apart. I take a deep breath and the feeling of calm comes over me. I know I got this. After months of studying and taking practice tests and the crash course, I know I can do this-- I got this in the bag.

A little less than 3 hours, I put down the mouse and finish the test, all 150 questions of it. It was easier than I thought it was going to be. The proctor is handing out folded pieces of paper. He hands me one with my name on it and I tuck it underneath my armpit. I walk out to the elevator and push the down button. Once inside the elevator, I unfold the paper and look at my test results. PASS! I am so happy I can't help but smile and laugh out loud. I literally skip out to the parking lot. I slide into the seat of Babe's truck next to him and hand him the paper. He looks it over and leans over to give me a kiss, saying congratulations at the same time. Tonight, we celebrate!



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