And She Discovered Law of Assumption- World BLOWN!

 So originally I created this blog from the perspective of someone very involved with all things law of attraction. Many of my blog posts are my very own versions of LOA exercises (positive aspects, meditation challenges, scripting etc). But recently, I've been feeling a little disenchanted with my LOA practices. Hold your horses now that does not necessarily mean with manifesting itself, just with the law of attraction approach to manifestation. It was this very moment I went down my own proverbial (Youtube) rabbit hole of exploration. Fast forward 3 days and I'd watched damn near all of the episodes of the Aiva Manifested that  and Sammy Ingram who both talk about something called the law of assumption. I had never heard of the law of assumption up until this point and was very fascinated by its main idea. From what I can tell, law of assumption is like a branch on the tree that is law of attraction. You get what you assume is true is the basic idea behind it. An assumption is something you believe without proof. Everything is you pushed out. You are God, and you have the power to create the life you want. The 'father' of law of assumption as most people teach it was named Neville Goddard. And the main way that people manifest using this method is affirmations.

Now, I fell out of love with affirmations a long time ago when I was saying them everyday for an extended period of time and nothing happened. But something kept me hanging on to this law of assumption idea of affirmations because the ease and simplicity that it offered. Just do this one easy thing and have everything that you want. Law of attraction has so many moving pieces, so many teachers and coaches, and so many techniques it can kind of feel like you're drowning in all the information. There's something refreshing about law of assumption because all the teachers and coaches I came across were saying the almost exactly the same thing. So I have been giving affirmations another try and rolling with this law of assumption thang, ready to go off into the sunset in my own little spiritual boat only to be confronted with one major road block.

Law of assumption teachers and coaches SHIT ON law of attraction teachings ALOT. Even though I greatly suspect that they are two pieces in the same puzzle, they have to be. They are at odds with each other in at least several different ways. The major way is the law of assumption teachers do not believe your vibration (basically your level of positivity) attracts your life. They believe you can manifest even from sobbing eyes or angry gritted teeth as long as you persist in your affirmations. This was a difficult one for me to swallow because all these years being a loyal law of attraction follower, that is an ingrained idea that I truly believed believe. I don't doubt that you could manifest something while you're depressed or anxious but I think maybe it's easier wiser something(er) to raise your vibration first. Ugh I don't know. One of the reasons I was so drawn to law of assumption is that I could manifest what I truly want while working a job that I don't want to be at and couldn't get my vibration up literally even if I tried. So in a way I am kind of torn between the two methodologies.

I guess my thing is that I think that the law of attraction and law of assumption are teaching basically the same key ideas and believing in one doesn't cancel out the other (I don't think). I don't really have a conclusion for you because although I know for sure that law of attraction and law of assumption are based on the same core teachings (I know it in my soul!), I don't have any empirical proof (yet). Stay tuned on my spiritual journey to find out what I discover next:)


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