30 Day Happy Challenge (Day 21)

 Hey guys,

So I'm back to the blog with an update on my Happy challenge with an update. Today's day 21 and I have been doing pretty good but I must admit, the days when I have to work have been a little more difficult. I'm having a hard time framing those days as positive when I don't really enjoy going there and doing work. So since work days are the majority in the time frame I chose (15 days out of the 21 so far), does that mean I failed my Happy challenge (where I try my best to stay happy as long as possible throughout my day)? Not really, and here's why:

 Because as I'm failing my way through my challenge I am learning more and more what works and what doesn't. So what works?

Meditation works. I started counting the knuckles on my hands while I meditate, which forces me to be totally present but still allows me to space out somewhat enough to reach "that place". "That place" is like a state of mind where all the noise of your own thoughts goes away and, it's like your whole body is tingling. "That place" primes the pump for a good (at least a better) day. I know I've been doing something right because I've been meditating everyday before work. The only challenge is I don't always reach "that place" when I meditate, where I know it's the most effective. 

Positive Thoughts work. On the days when I do my list of positive aspects and deliberately reach for better feeling thoughts, I feel better overall and can maintain my general happy state longer. A list of positive aspects is a list of things you...well, things you like or appreciate or that make you feel good. You could start the list with 'I like my dog' or 'I appreciate my daughter' anything that comes to mind at the moment. This really helps prepare my mind to focus on the positives and go downstream, if you will, into positivity.

Paying Attention to Your Words Works. Do you ever start talking to your coworkers and automatically launch into how the weekend went by so fast, lamenting the fact that it's a weekday again? Well don't do that, sis it's bad news. When I embrace the present moment and resist the urge to reject it, it tends to go smoother. I see the evidence of what I affirm with my words whether it's good or whether its not so good--and it happens fast. That's why I find paying attention to my words so important

So since tomorrow is Monday, I will be doing my best to prepave my day for positive results. Stay tuned to see how I do, there's 1 more week left in the challenge and then it's the holidays.

Love and Light,



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