30 Day Happy Challenge (11/29/21 Day One)

 Hello There,

I want to catch you up on where I am right now in my process. Currently I am working Full-Time doing property management in Ole' Silicon Valley California. Not exactly my dream position but it's paying my bills. I have put my second book on the back-burner because I'm working on doing some things with real estate that will make me some money, honey--and fast. 

Well, a lot faster than my sweet little book is able to produce at this point in its creation. 

I'm also working on some things with Abraham Hicks processes (look it up on Youtube) as always. Right now I'm working on the 'stay happy for as long as you possibly can throughout your day and then start again tomorrow' process. So, after I've slept, my job is to choose a disk or, mode, or ...handful of thoughts that feel good. 

And if I do have negative thoughts, just going with it and not trying to fight it because fighting it makes it worse. 

When I'm experiencing the positive side of emotions, I'm gonna milk that shit. I'm gonna write lists of positive aspects and rampages of appreciation [I've written plenty of these on here if you want to check them out] as well as saying affirmation as much as I can. I want to pre-pave my days for happiness and all around positive vibes. I also want to incorporate meditation and working out, but I think for now I'll start off with the meditation to get myself centered and clear in my intentions for the day. 

I'm gonna make this a 30-day challenge and blog most days to chart my progress tp touch bases with my you (my readers). In this challenge, I will "choose the highest disk that I can find earliest in the day,  maintain it as best I can, and the rest of the day don't worry too much about where I am because I can't do too much about that momentum anyway. And then the next day, choose the highest disk that I can find... and before you know it after 30 days that high disk will be the dominant vibration within me"

Stay Tuned


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