Book #2

 So I started writing book #2 and I'm nervous and excited about starting the process all over again. I am just trying to wrap my head around it and get out those first jitters of feeling like everything I write is not good enough to put down on paper or on laptop. 

I am downloading all the lessons I learned in my first book and swishing them around in my head, hoping some of them stick. One would be to get a professional editor as a gift to myself for my birthday in 2023.

I've created an outline and general direction of for books plot line--which is amazing to me because I have been spending next to no time on creative projects since I started working again 2 months ago doing property management to ya know, bring home the bacon. 

So, my outline seems to me like it showed up out of thin air. I have like no energy after I get home from work and it's really a blessing that my husband gets home first and is able to do stuff like prepare dinner. 

I'll be the first one to admit that I don't have the answers, people. I don't know if writing will work out how I want. I don't know if I'll be a mini brown J.K. Rowling after I publish my second title. All I do know is that writing and studying the law of attraction (meditation, positive thinking, what I talk about on this blog) make me feel like the pieces of me that life has scarred and damaged are healthy and thriving again or... at least regenerating. So I'm gonna keep going at it because it makes my soul happy. If only in the moments to myself...


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