general appreciation for being a mommy

↳Encouragement, and something relatable for moms to feel the love and purpose of being a parent↲

I like watching movies with my children

I like teaching them little facts I know that they didn't know

I like driving them to school

I like laughing with them

I like driving with my husband and our kids to fun places

I like hugs

I like saying nice things to make them feel better

I like going to the mall with my family

I like wrapping their presents

I like cleaning up after them 

I like cooking for them (things I am skilled at cooking)

I like taking group family photos

I like looking at my wedding photos with all of the people that I love

I like going to the nail salon with my daughter

I like watching my kids play sports and perform on stage in recitals 

I like taking selfies with my son

I like showing them that I love and care about them

I like going to the movies with my family, especially to star wars

I like getting snacks and eating them in the dark

I like movie popcorn with lots of salt and soaked in butter

I like laying on the couch and watching Family Feud with my husband after the day is done

I like being able to be there when my kids are sick 

I like picking them up when they get out of school

I like the bond they have amongst each other as siblings

I appreciate the help, care and love I receive for my kids from extended family-- that's really a precious gift 

I like being a mom and I think it is part of my life's purpose

I like that, even when things get tough, we stick together as a family 


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