visualization girls trip

I am sitting at the airport waiting for our flight. I sold another house, and since everything was more than paid, I had nothing left to do but take a trip. This time it's me, my sister and my favorite neighbor headed to Mexico for some debauchery.
We rented an Airbnb up on the mountain overlooking the water and we'll hit the market as soon as we get there to get everything together for our grand feast. Sis already has a connect for some bud in nearby Cancun and we haven't even left the airport.
It's time to unwind and relax from the stresses of our everyday life. I've never taken a girl's trip before. Well, as an adult.
I'm calmly drumming my fingers against the hard slender airport armchair, halfway watching the football game on the grey wall about 20 ft away from where I'm sitting with all my bags.
I can't wait to snorkel, and drink fruity beverages, and swim and more than anything just bask by myself in the wonderment of Cancun sunlight. I love being near the equator. I think my body, skin, hair and everything agrees that it's my birthright to be enveloped in tropical weather.
How did I get here, with all of these heifers luggage, sitting all by myself waiting for the plane check-in?
Where did they go off too?
I know my neighbor has parked her butt in the gift shop looking at stuff, hoping to buy souvenirs before we even take off. Good luck with that at SFO!
My sister is probably at the bar or calling my nephew or her new man before takeoff. She's never been on a trip away from this guy and they're still in the ooey-gooey stage and it's sweet but its kinda hard to listen to that on a full stomach.
I roll my neck back shutting my eyes for a long sigh. I just kissed my husband goodbye this morning and he told me not to get kidnapped and that was that. 5+ years and ooey-gooey takes on a different meaning.
Here comes Judy with a bag full of souvenirs, grinning, already wearing her straw hat. She ready for the beach!
"Hey, you got your gifts already?"
"Mhmm" She plops down next to me in front of her luggage.
She offers me the open bag, and I pick up a 49ers T-shirt, blinking my eyes rapidly
"What's this???"
"Souvenirs, of course!"
I shake my head, "You really don't wanna have to think about ANYTHING while we're there, huh?"
"Nope" She peeped happily, "I am so ready to hang out with you guys and have some me-time abroad"
"We aren't really going internationally..."
"Good enough. I am going abroad, and that it that."
We both laughed and looked up to my sister, standing there with snacks and her drink from the bar still in hand.
"Heyyy guys. You ready to have some fun en Mexico?" Nee chirps
"Arriba arriba!"
"Vamos a la playa! " She calls back
Judy chuckles, "Good thing you guys have a native Spanish speaker coming with you"
We nod wholeheartedly, patting her on the back.
Check-in started, as told by the flight attendant over the intercom
We roll our bags towards the desk, and my cohorts get out their eye masks, Advil and mini blankets,
As we board, we are singing,
"If you like Pina Coladas, and gettin caught in the rain, if you're not into yoga, and you have half a brain..."
We are ready to have some fun


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