visualization commission

We are on Rodeo Drive shopping with my first commission check.
We saw Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Kourtney AND Khloe Kardashian all in the span of an afternoon.
I always dreamed of being so excessive and bougie but used to feel sheepish about actually going out and living it. But now, I feel liberated, more and more liberated each day, and that's the best way I could possibly put it to you.
We went to Universal, and to some water park out in the valley because it's hot and we have all of our kids with us. We slept half the day and night after our excursion tramping around all the tourist spots and enjoying the expensive food without a second thought. Oh, the novelty!
And then, as dusk dust us with red orangy rays which make the iconic palm trees glow like cool grey cookie cut-outs in contrast, on the spur of the moment I decide we are going shopping on rodeo drive. Not far from the soul food restaurant we're eating at. And it's a perfect idea, we all agree.
So I am skipping down rodeo drive with my wild brood shuffling behind me looking wide eyes in the swanky thick heavy glass windows, and with bags collecting at our sides. Just because we can.


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