general appreciation for being a student
I like my backpack I like that I set my own schedule I like that I choose what classes I want to take I like that I am studying with likeminded people around my age I like that I change classes each semester/quarter I Like sports events at my school I like reading I like it when I am learning something and it clicks I like talking to my friends I like looking at my grades online I like typing on my computer I like writing essays and the smell of the fresh ink on the warm paper and the feeling of relief that it's finished I like doing assignments ahead of time I like emailing my teachers I like getting ready in the morning I like laying out my clothes the night before I like brushing my teeth and putting on smell goods I like feeling prepared when I leave my house I like eating lunch with my friends I like going home and sleeping I like going to my friends' house after class I like relaxing on my couch and doing homework I like the smell of my eraser I li...