visualization About My Business!

I am rolling out of bed and I stop at the very edge because it's a long way to the floor, and then the blanket tangles me up causing me to roll once more. I can feel the dry panic heave in my chest and throat but I keep rolling, and I've braced myself for nothing. Oh. King sized bed. I forgot!

Queen beds you can only roll 2 full times from the wall before you have to stop, but a California King? Helloooo, 3 full rolls. Ya know, it's the little things, right?

I roll back the other way and huff out a breath of air. Today's going to be crowded with things, and people and planning. But I'm already excited to start the day! I don't even need to make a list, I'm so biting at the bit to get this day's tasks underway. Problem-solving, girl yes. I'm here for it.

I check my email (business and personal), and then get to packaging 20 or so items from sales over the last couple days. Pretty ribbons, fancy tissue paper, and thank you cards (already pre-filled out bytheway). I make myself some breakfast, soft scrambled egss with salt and pepper and thin-cut bacon, cooked slow so it's chewy. Mmmmm, my life is so delicious. I clean up our place and put my packages with care inside my little red wagon. I used to have a Costco bag for my sales, then it was 2 bags, and now a cart:) I am so happy and proud of myself. It used to be that $500 a week was my ultimate goal and now I'm making that in a day, on AVERAGE?! I can take vacations as I please with my hubbs and kids, and take my kids to school and to the doctor whenever I have to and I still make more than I did working fulltime. I feel so blessed to witness my growth and journey to becoming a thriving entrepreneur and mommy and wife. 
Who says you can't have it all? They definitely haven't lived a mile in my shoes. 


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