23 Best Places to Meditate

  1. On the toilet
  2. In your car when you are early for work or school
  3. In your bed when you wake up
  4. While sunbathing
  5. When getting a massage
  6. In a hot tub* (don't do this alone!)
  7. As a passenger on a long car ride 
  8. Waiting in line for a rollercoaster
  9. During the opening credits of a movie
  10. In the shower
  11. When you're going to be on hold for awhile
  12. On the couch
  13. When doing the dishes (moving meditation)
  14. On a nature walk (moving meditation)
  15. While getting a pedicure
  16. While getting a manicure
  17. At the salon while getting your hair shampooed
  18. At the Gym while stretching or in the steam room
  19. At night before you go to sleep
  20. At the library in a quiet corner
  21. On a long bus ride
  22. On the VTA or BART (Bay Area people) or commuter train
  23. On the patio or balcony


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