Day 8.

"...practice [your desire] into such pleasantness that that is the easiest momentum that you feel. And then the universe will back you up constantly." - Abraham Hicks 

So today is the 8th day of my 100 day challenge, and this will be brief but I have a few things to say. I have really been focusing on following my intuition, which has paid off in a lot of ways. That has been my focus, but I think there are a couple things missing from that.

I realized that I wasn't meditating like I know I need to in order to feel alright. In my opinion, in order for my feeling, my intuition, my gut feeling to be on point, I need to have a clear mind and a clear clutter free mindset. If your mind is all cluttered with stuff that you haven't allowed yourself to sort through, prioritize or just let go of, then your intuition is clouded. Even when you feel called to take a specific action, the decision could be marred with thoughts and feelings on other matters that have nothing to do with that pure positive energy of God, and love and the Universe. So that was the first thing.
The second thing was I noticed I was not following the formula really, of the challenge. I was willing to follow my intuition, I was willing to surrender and not kick up a fuss about any discomfort, I was willing to follow what excited me all to some degree. However, I really did not ask for anything, which was the first step in the challenge. I just wrote it off as, I don't need anything to be happy where I am now. My vortex of creation is already full of all the things that I've been wanting and that I don''t even realize that I want yet. Then I boldly declared, WITHOUT writing it down that all I wanted was to be happy. (whatever the f*** that means...)

And so, in an effort to follow the process more carefully to get the full results, I decided to write down a couple things that I want because I think not writing down these wants has more to do with my fear of not seeing evidence that they are manifesting during the 100 days. Because of that, I will not choose wants with a crap ton of resistant, because I wanna get things moving, I want some traction (aka momentum) so, here goes:

4 Things I Want:
1. To publish my book
2. To get a job I like
3. To get a six pack
4. To get good credit

*Imaging myself with Janet Jackson's abs, holding a finished copy of my book, leaving my work,  on my way to meet with broker to talk about house*

Oooooo, so many visualizations I can write from these goals! I am excited

Thanks for reading,
Contis (in this present moment)


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