100 day challenge

I like doing challenges to keep me focused on positivity and what's really important. I can't help it, as creative and innovative as I am, I have a linear mind when it comes to goals.

I found this after searching 'manifesting' into Youtube. The guy, called ModernHealthMonk, told his story that lead him to seek out manifestation and law of attraction, as many YouTubers do. But what really stood out to me was that he said he avoided negative thinking as best he could during this time. The way he worded it, was like he was refraining from negativity or fasting from it for the 100 days. 

Like Cynthia Stafford, winner of $112 Million in the California Mega Million Lottery in 2007 states in one of her testimonials on manifesting the lottery, "I strive to think positive at all times... We have to in life. Because if you don't, those thoughts that are bugging you will have a way of manifesting in your life." Even in the presence of great hardship, when she says she'd like to respond to negativity because otherwise "she wasn't gonna be blessed". 

Through my own life experience and studying up on the Law of Attraction, I knew this to be the case. But part of me took negative responses as a given in the face of extreme or constant hardship. Aren't we only human, not perfect or divine? Everybody has 'their moments' as we call it. But I guess what I'm realizing as the frequency and/or intensity of negativity is pretty much up to you as a person. Abraham Hicks calls frequent allowing of negativity "sloppy thinking" and really all that's necessary to correct this is a focus on positive things. 

Welp, I decided that is what I'm going to do. I already have a running start as my financial abundance is already starting to multiply (manifesting a new job currently!! )

That's all I have to say. Will check in periodically on my 100-day challenge. 

Peace and Love
Contis (in the present moment)


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