100 day challenge days 1 and 2

So, today's the day before Thanksgiving 2018 and I'm currently sitting at my desk after a long ass nap--it's the second day of my 100 day challenge. I had another job interview today and it was almost 3 hours long. I know I will get the job or another one that I've already applied for. I put a lot of energy into it-- not sure if I was totally in line with my challenge in job searching but I'm trying. I'm working on my concentration on not just making things happen but manifesting the results or equivalent feelings I desire.

Just to recap in case you didn't see the video for the challenge I'm doing, a summary of it is this:

1. Ask for what you want
2. Following Intuition
3. Do what excites you
4. Surrender (don't push against hardship or inconvenience)

Yesterday, the first day of my challenge was good. I had a phone interview or two, went to Walmart, cleaned up a bit. I did notice that the only time I went against my intuition, however strange the impulse may have been, I felt resistance or negative emotion. I felt like I needed to go straight home instead of take care of a small job I'd committed to. When I went against that, and ended up lost and not having the time to locate the job, it all made sense. Your intuition isn't just an old wive's tale. For me, it's a spiritual thing, but for some it could just be a weird thing that always seems to work. Whatever it is for you, I think it has more than enough validation to take it seriously. Which affirmed this process for me a lot. 

Image result for gut feeling

Until Next Time Y'all!

Contis (in the present moment)


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