visualization winning the lottery

Jordan as a puppy- nose down in someone's purse

I wake up and the kids beds are already cold. That means my husband took them all to school. I am left alone, except for the dogs. I like my moments alone and today I am going to savor them. Every one.
I lay in bed, feeling myself, the air on my face, and the silky feeling of the sheets on my legs. Mmmm...

I drink some water, and I feel rejuvenated, like a traveler in the desert who was given a sponge dripping with water. I crush the sponge. I'm wearing the black shirt my husband's sweet coworker gave me and my purple Victoria's Secret sweats. I reach up and touch my scarf which normally falls partway off but has stayed on. My nighttime twists have stayed so juicy and nice and my hair is so smooth and wavy-- it's getting longer.

I get up to take the dogs out and they are visibly thankful for my prompt attention to their potty needs. I don't feel the urge to go myself for some reason. It's already 9ish o'clock and I know they have to go out so out we go.

They don't pull on their leashes which I greatly appreciate, so it's nice taking them out. They are such good dogs, and Nala is getting so mature it's crazy. They love me for every reason and yet no reason at the same time. They are love and easy to love if I'm really paying attention to their intentions. Pretty deep shit to say about two dogs, I know.

I love my twists now more than ever because they swing-- heaven hath no glory like a natural haired woman with swinging twists!
The dogs go in their respective areas calmly, greeting familiar dogs and people as they pass. Nala and Jordan are both mellow and intuitive if not obedient-- I love my dogs. 

I start walking down to Starbucks to meet my friend, and one of the kid's moms, for some coffee. We were going to go workout and meditate and all but now we just want to talk for an hour, and stuff our faces with pastries on the outdoor patio while the dogs laze in the shade. She also has dogs and she's into a lot of otherworldly shit as I am, so I'm glad we met. I approach Starbucks dogs in tow and see her standing out front,

"Hhhheeeyy woman" we embrace, and I give her my order, find a pergola outside and tie up my animals.
I sit down on a wrought iron chair under a green umbrella and stare off into the distance.

I feel good and I can't help but smile. I cleaned my house over the last two days so now it's clean. I marinaded something for dinner last night. The dogs are pottied and exercised and will hopefully pass out when we get back home. I have just finished my book's first edit and it looks promising-- I can't wait! To self-publish or not to self-publish, that is the question?

Both of our credits keep shooting up more every day and I am looking forward to home hunting in the future. All the kids are fine, as usual, they are the ones who keep us grounded. Isn't that interesting?

My health is good and I've found a doctor who gets me and who accepts my insurance easy, which makes me feel greatly blessed. I had to reach inside and become my own doctor to heal before I figured out a straight path to paying up my bills and finding a sense of inner freedom.

Speaking of freedom, my friend is walking up with my beautiful blended frappe tappe coffee drink and it's set off the bells in my brain that now is fun time, so I'm going to enjoy it without any reservations. 

We start to sipping at the foamy top bits of our lovely juices and laughing. My phone rings but since it's not my Husband or anyone I recognize I allow it to go to voicemail. 
We have a lovely uplifting conversation. I laugh a lot and so does she. She looks at her phone clock after an hour and 10 and says Gee I really have to get going.

I sit there in silence and finish my coffee, leisurely getting around to getting up. I look at the iPhone on the table curiously, and see the missed call left a message:

I press play: "Hello Contis, this is Debra with the Prize Patrol for Publisher's Clearing House... We have a prize for you and would like it if you called us back.."

Is this a prank or have my nearly daily entries to paid off? I laugh out loud. 
Then I call back the number immediately, because Mama didn't raise no fool, and what if it's real?


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