
Showing posts from August, 2018

#randompost Why I Love Being a Mom to Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Sunset from our camping site- summer of 2018 Many times, I think that teenagers get a bad rap. When I talk to my girlfriends about their teens and pre-teen kiddos, they are fast to lament the eye rolling, attitude giving, more expensive having offspring as compared to their same children in pre-school or early elementary. They say things like, "She always wanted to hang out with mommy and was so sweeeet. Oh, you'd think she was a different child now." And we laugh, of course, because it's meant to be funny-- and I won't say I'm not guilty of making such comments in jest every so often but it got me seriously thinking-- Why do we think this way?? Okay, time for the back story: Earlier this year, I was really stoked on having another baby. I was. Mind you, my husband and I have 5 great kids between the two of us (think Brady Bunch), but I got it in my head that I wanted another one. When that wasn't happening for us, I had to come to terms with

list of appreciation: the dogs, my house etc

Nala with a blankie enjoying some cuddle time -I like water -I like how water feels going down -I like gardens -I like peacefulness -I like calm -I like satisfaction -I like clarity -I like smiling -I like my dogs -I like watching them play with socks -I like when they both look up at me with their cute faces -I like how soft Nala's fur is on her head -I like cupping her nose with my hands because she's still so small -I like cuddling with Jordan -I like how gentle they are with eachother -I like that Nala is potty trained now -I like Nala's light pink leash -I like Jojo's cute face -I like that Jordan is very protective over me -I like watching the dogs play -They are so happy with the little things -I like watching Hallmark movies -I like drinking tea -I like looking at my business plan on the wall -I like everything -I like that I have faith in myself more -I like focusing on one thing at a time -I like positive expectation -I like g