meditation challenge days 15, 16, 17,18 AANND 19 meditation

Jordan smiling- he has huge dimples! haha
Hi Y'all,

I am on day 19, and I feel good. I feel like I am starting to gel with this and it's nice to feel like I'm rolling down hill with this, ya know?

I thought I'd share some techniques I like to use to clear my mind because I know sometimes with busy minds it can take longer than you might have to spare. 

  • counting my fingers- I sometimes don't breath out all the way so focusing on my breath often takes away rather than adds to my focus. So instead of focusing on breath, I like to count my fingers, or typically the knuckles on each hand continuously. Think of it as like counting sheep but in the daytime:)
  • humming or chanting- I chant or hum, or say "ahhmmm...", whatever sound works for me at the moment to focus and deepen my focus.
  • self-massage- If my shoulders are tense or my neck has a crook, I massage the area to release the tension, sometimes allowing me to focus better 
  • visualizing- if I feel like it, I will picture scenes in my mind that relax me or make me feel good. I don't force it, though..
  • look at nature- if I'm able, I like to go outside and look at nature, especially green things and water, which are very calming/grounding. 
  • I allow my mind to take off, baby!- if my mind continues to want to harp on specific thoughts and just ....runs like the leaky faucet at that particular moment, I just allow that to happen. The more you resist, in my humble opinion, the more your mind keeps running. I just let it go until my inner wheels and cogs begin to slow down on their own.
  • bonus: when I reach that moment or moments where my mind stops running and I'm not scared that I will not maintain it or thinking of ways to hurry up and make this meditation more productive and I'm just "being", my vision gets brighter, although my eyes are still closed and there's this feeling of stillness and perfect solitude and satisfaction. Like, for a moment I am not rushing to do anything or worrying that I'm not enough for those people over there, nor what people think of me- nothing. My heart just feels full and I feel like I'm exactly where I need to be, without a doubt. 
Those are my tips/observations on meditation into my 19th day of my meditation challenge.
Thanks for reading!! 



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