last day of meditation challenge plus new 30 day challenge

Hi Y'all

Jordan as a puppy trying to eat a water bottle:)

Four days ago was the last day of my meditation challenge. Something keeps occurring to me, just popping my head, multiple times during the last few weeks and this is what it is: I waste a lot of time and energy giving a shit about what people think about me. About their opinions, feelings, likes, dislikes, whatever. I just feel like paying attention to this has my brain pipes a little clogged with unnecessariness.

So, I was thinking about doing another 30 day challenge, and calling it the 'Not Giving a F*&# challenge'. For example, where I'd normally concern myself with what someone is thinking about me,  like in a retail store when I'm looking a hot mess or I feel they will racially profile and follow me through the store as I shop, and I get worried about these different perceptions. But instead I'd consciously decide not to worry about it or worrying less.

I was doing this the other day when I went to the grocery store and it felt rather good. It feels freeing. So, up until a few days ago, my new challenge was to be dubbed the 'Not Giving a F*&# challenge' and it would start today (I will continue to meditate daily, just by the way)

And then, a couple days ago, I felt like it may need tweaking. Not only do I want to focus on extricating myself from caring about others opinions, I also want to focus on Joy.

Enjoying myself and my time here on this earth and in this body. Why the F*&# not?

So anyway, I am renaming this 30 day challenge the Focus on Joy Challenge and with an addendum of not paying attention to peoples bullshit opinions. But really, when you focus on joy you are not focusing on negativity, so... It made the most sense to name my challenge this instead of the first name.

Sidenote:Is it just me or has this month been a little intense? Like, July was really doing the most, I think.

Thanks for reading!
Contis (in the present moment)


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