Meditation challenge day 2

Today I felt emotional. When I meditate frequently, I notice that I have a heightened sense of emotional control. Or, rather, if my emotions were a thermostat, the temperature climbs up or falls down much more gradually. This is the second best thing about meditating period, hands down. Also I stay in a shorter distance from happy even when I do feel crappy.

I also have been working toward building up my other business and things have been panning out for me— seeing results that I want. There’s a lot on my plate with our kids, our house, our 2 dogs...

I am just really resetting right now. I had been meditating and doing that vibrational work for months and recently stopped. But now I’m just ready to get back on the wagon.

The biggest thing I noticed about my meditation now is feel like a lot of stuff is coming up and out. I feel I need to spit out mucus, I am crying at times, sometimes I just want to scream. I’m ok with all of that. It’s okay to me to be where I’m at— and I know it’s just getting better and better.
<3 Contis 


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