30 day meditation challenge - day one

Another pet pic of my older doggo Jordan without a care in the world

Hi All,

I have been feeling this theme in my life lately of letting things happen or letting things fall together naturally. I am, by nature a person who pushes hard for things that I want, because I have an extremely strong resolve to get what I want when I really decide I will have something. 

But I learned a new way of doing things since I started learning about the law of attraction. I learned I don't have to kill myself to get the things I want and this is why:

First of all, Everything is always working out for me. God/The Universe has my back. And, I am starting to understand that I can allow the good into my life instead of force situations with the jaws of life into place. All I gotta do it be happy and appreciate every day good things. It's really that simple.

According to the law of attraction, that which is like, unto itself is drawn. Meaning similar vibrations/emotions/thoughts are attracted to one another. 

I guess the biggest thing I am learning is to appreciate the little things and I've now comprehended that the happiness gleaned from every day situations is actually the same as the happiness you feel when something really monumental happens. It's all in how you look at it.

Just think about it. If someone calls you and jokes that you have won the lottery, and truly convinces you of this fact, then you will begin to feel all the feelings associated with something enormous transpiring in your life. You are vibing off all the positive things that will happen to you once you get all that cold hard cash. It will feel like this event has solved all of your troubles and you ALLOW the weight of your negative thoughts to lift off your shoulders.

On the other hand, if that person tells you they were just kidding and that you didn't win big, how do you think you will feel? They are all just thoughts after all, right? But if you choose to get down in the dumps about it and think about all of the things in your life that are bullshit or dissapointing, then even though this whole thing was just a thought   you will by law, start attracting negatively, or other things that match those feelings associated with being let down. 

So... if all of these were just thoughts that you entertain, one way or the other, positive or negative, might as well choose positive or go neutral, right? 

Well, meditation is my neutral zone. When my mind is running too strongly in the direction of what I do not want, I put that shit on pause!

clearing my head allows me to slow negative thoughts, or negative momentum, and allow the natural goodness of God/the Universe to pour into me and point me more easily in the right direction,

I was inspired to start a 30 day meditation challenge today during my meditation which was extraaaa good today. I felt like I really got through all the mental chatter and got quiet to reach that God/Source/Universe energy. Feel free to do it with me or whatever, follow along with my daily updates on how it's going.

I've done this before and it really helped me. Really, I want to get to 60 days, because I never achieved that before (at least not consecutive days). And I meditate all the time any way, so it won't be a problem for me--I just like getting that consistency of every day which I think makes a big difference than sporadically. Love you all and thank you for reading. 

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