letter from my future self- a night to myself

Dear Contis,

I am looking around our living room into the faces of the dogs Nala and Jordan. Both are big and lazy now, except for their walk and playdates with the neighbors dog. Yes, bitch. Playdates with other dogs, you heard me right. Anyway, somehow I ended up in the house all by myself for a whole evening. The kids are in various places outside the home-- at their gromers', their main mommy's house, or shit... out being college students living it up. I'm proud of them they are all thriving. The husband has gone with my brother in law to LA for a book signing and to  start filming his first big movie. That should be fun for them and I was invited but nah. I think I'll stay home. We spend so much time being busy which I like, going from family event to kid's events to business events and my own book signings. It's exciting but sometimes sis I just wanna crawl into these thousand thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, read my book, eat snacks and chill. My girlfriends asked if I wanted company in this big house all by myself but I politely declined-- This, my friend, is how you will do alone time in the future:

I made a bunch of snacks: salami, prosciutto, good cheeses, a great bottle of wine which I'm only drinking a glass of, some garlic mash potatoes, that chewy bread you get at Brazilian restaurants, some leg of lamb, a bunch of cut up peaches, tomatoes, mangos, cucumber, and little slices of lemon on the side. All this is in small quantities, mind you-- my eyes are no longer bigger than my stomach!
I slowly climb the spiral staircase with this big ass tray full of all my favorite snacks and make a b-line into the second room on the right. I hoist the tray on top of my bed and shut the door. The lighting is dim yet warm and I start firing up our projector which takes a minute, and go into the master bath to turn on the water. The tub is nice and deep and fits my neck perfectly. Shit, honestly it was my favorite thing about the house when we saw it the first time!!! I look on my vanity and grab some smell good stuff that has eucalyptus in it and go to my nightstand to open the bottle of wine,
which your girl will be drinking inside the tub. I turn on my music system in the bathroom with a tiny remote and some sexy ass RnB comes on that I've been organizing into the perfect tub playlist for years (you are currently working on the Beta version). I can't help myself, I strip down in anticipation for getting in the piping hot bubbling perfect water and sinking in there with the glass of wine that's now in my hand.

I light 8 candles and turn off the lights completely, making sure the lights don't flicker much. I go text my husband goodnight and all of the kids goodnight. I tiptoe and scoot my butt quickly back into the bathroom, leave the door cracked for the air, drop that damn white terry cloth bathrobe and melt inside the water. My hair is free and flowing-- and pretty long now. I syncopate my breath with the melody of the song and feel the heat release the tension from my body. I sip on the wine very minimally, and feel the gentle buzz course through my veins.

I start to drain out the tub, and rinse off after, putting my kinky tresses in long twists before I get out. I lotion up with some lemon verbena stuff my friend gave me and put on my soft silky feeling cotton pjs from Target with the little pugs on them and roll up to my room. I feel amazing.
Plopping onto my bed, I look through the books on my nightstand-- I open a cold bottled water and sit on top of the covers. I am milking this because it's not often I get time to myself so I am feeling every single good feeling there is to feel from this moment...

I read for awhile, eating the snacks I made absentmindedly. Then I put on a Netflix movie, first popping a little Orville Redenbacher's, running up the stairs with the dogs on my heels. They cuddle up on their pad in our room and we are cozy. I am watching a romantic comedy with a bit more romance than comedy and I'm happy as a clam up in the bed.

I close the tray because it's room service style and has a lid, so I can fall asleep at my leisure without worrying about the dogs eating it. I sink into the bed with the white puffy down comforter and the nice hotel mattress and fall into the most lovely sleep.... Mmmmmm
I think I'ma try and workout tomorrow. If I don't that's okay to<3
I love my life. Start loving on your life more honey, there's so much for you to feel good about, and so much for you to get satisfaction from...

Love Ya You Little Heifer,
Your Future Self 


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