visualization relaxation

I'm on the water, in Big Sur, dreaming of the relaxation that I'm currently experiencing. The gurgling beautiful sounds of the creek surround me like a magical concert of Nature's finest.
Even the trees look like they couldn't be bothered with anything stressful nor anything beyond their simple reach. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
There's so many pretty smooth rocks in the creek. I dream about floating in the creek in the widest part out in half shade half sun of the gorgeous trees above.
Floating. Feeling weightless. Dreaming in my dream about dinner at the hotel later.
I am clean and clear in my mind like I just meditated for 45 minutes and I don't have anything to do with the whole house to myself. But it hasn't been that long, only 3 minutes, MAYBE 5...
I start thinking about the kids coming out and playing in the water, walking like strange creatures on the water, their alway's in shoes feet getting used to those river rocks, trying not to fall but laughing loud when they do.

I feel so good right now. Ahhhhhh.... My soul feels like the essence of menthol, my soul feels like the pitch black starry sky, my soul feels like that first bite of your favorite food after a long day, my soul feels like plunging deep in Crystal clear deliciousness at the perfect temperature and submerging with not a single care or reservation crossing your mind. My mind feels like my body does after an amazingly intuitive masseuse untapped the tension from each and all and every one of my muscles and I lay in a unencumbered jello-like state totally free in the moment.

And as all of this transpires inside my mind, I hear my tribe coming down the path to the river. I had been alone up until this point. The kids clamor on about the water with their intertubes and my husband carries the beach bag and sunscreen--much of the creek and swimming area are covered at least partially by the trees overhead. I pluck open my eyes and turn to watch them approaching, a little out of it, I will admit.

I attempt to hoist myself up from my lounge chair as if I'd been woken out of a deep sleep in an attempt to help them with their many pieces of water equipment shit, but my husband tells me it's ok, to just sit back and relax. I sit back for a minute but the kids are asking me to go to the water with them. One of the girls hands me an intertube of my own. I take it, pretty much always down for something fun.

We wade through the more narrow rocky part next to the hotel's outdoor area and as they reach the water hole, they immediately start to play and swim in the water. One of the boys fell in the water right before we get to the water hole part and we all busted out laughing--I couldn't help myself. They are so amazingly full of life-- and so big now. Even the bigger kids have fun playing in the water, but Kuya only for a second. He has gotten some really good news and can not stay off the phone for a second.

So both my visualizations came true from the moment before.

As I float around on my little intertube, letting the water put it's fingers through my hair with its just right cool temperature, I feel the occasional splash from the kids and think fleetingly some phylosofical shit about balance. And then I look up at the Willow trees and live Oaks, and think to myself this is the perfect day.


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