Dear Future (version of my current) Husband

Hi Baby,

You know I love you so much, right?


I'm looking at you right now, well, for you technically the time is back then. We are in our old apartment, you know--the luxury bougie one in San Jose?

We are watching the "Who Killed Tupac and Biggie" mini series... these are the type of shows you like now.

Nala is asleep by my feet and we're lounging both on the couch that your brother gave us.

Today was our oldest daughter's dance recital and it was amazing--- she was grinning from ear to ear and it was magical to watch in that big theater

We sat next to a little girl that explained to me during the intermission that she was actually in the production but due to knee problems had to sit this one out--she was still there in the crowd to cheer on her classmates and did quite a bit of spirited cheering and dance moves in her reclining seat

Justin and Isaiah are laying down and hopefully asleep because it's damn near 1am

Your niece and my current fabulous dear friend just visited during the week before going back to nursing school

I just want to tell you past, present and forever how much I love us and how we always stick together believing in our love through the eons and millenia-- I am pretty sure that's just the beginning of how long we've known eachother

I just really wanna say thank you for all you do, and throughout the years and the ups and downs and debates and scwabbles we've had... I always knew that we would end up where we are now.

Love From,
Your Wife's Future Self


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