Dear Future Self- Love, Present Me

Hi Future Me,

How have you been? I am good... You look good girl! Rich and happy looks good on you, as always. Anyways, let me tell you about my day and maybe you can tell me about yours:

We just got back from Great America and even though we didn't do much rides (half the park was closed), I had a lot of fun. I had to use the bathroom really bad when we got back and I feel cleansed--I also feel I had my fill of sun for the moment. What are the things that you like to do now (in your now)?

I talked to Ma earlier and we talked while I got ready for Great America. Man, I wish we could go and do Raging Waters like when I was a kid. That was so fun--But anyway, she sounded good and it was really nice talking to her about mundane shit. How is Ma doing right now (in your now)?

I worked on my book today. Well, actually I haven't yet but I know I will so I'm not tripping about already declaring it done. I read a bit to my husband and Ma and they both said the writing was BORING. I was upset at first but then I wasn't too upset because knowing that this is my first book, I am not too worried, basically just proud that I'm going to finish it. Can you believe it? Ohh, yes I would say that's a silly question for you because you already have it edited and finished with more on the way don't you? Any screenplay ideas? How big are movies as a medium (in your right now?)

Also I meditated real good this morning. It not only felt good, but it carried me through the day and I could feel the difference. I actually connected to Source energy while we were waiting in line at the theme park in an outdoor line with a particularly sunny position. Have you ever been to the virtual reality ride where you tour another planet and the plane crashed but you still ended up saving the day? Who am I kidding, my dear future friend, you probably actually BEEN to a tourist attraction on another planet. Anyway-- I was looking up at the sun and wearing my sunglasses so no one could really see my eyes and letting the sun hit my face and enjoying all the greenery when I felt a sort of calm that I rarely experience outside of meditation time. I felt the energy in our general vicinity lift and the things that had been bothering me through the day stopped occurring or did not bother me anymore. I just knew deep down that had been a everyday spiritual experience. I guess my question for you is, do I come closer to you in these moments? I think the obvious answer is yes, but I would love it if you wrote me back or communicated your response in any other sensory way that I can understand,

Love From,
Your Past Self


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