Dear Future Best Friend 2

Hi again.
I just wanted to shoot you a message.
Still missing you.
I guess missing isn't the word, but longing.
Since I haven't met you yet.
But.. yah know, sometimes I feel left out.
You and future me are just turning up all the time and having fun enjoying yourself.
Hanging out with each other's families and kids
(Because when I meet you, I hope you also have kids so we can talk about them together and maybe some of them will like each other, who can say for sure??)

Anyway, I just felt a pang of longing for you dealing with the people in my life. I think in Portuguese it is called 'saudade'. The hindi word closest to this feeling is bechain I think. This sound of word in English means something totally different-- ha! Hey, maybe you will speak Hindi or Portuguese??

Sometimes I think about calling you and talking about stuff but I don't know your number...

Sometimes I wonder what you are doing or what your going through.

Just to be clear, I want to have the type of best friend relationship where we call each other frequently, and have a type of deep understanding for one another that can not be taught or learned, it just exists. It exists now, it existed before the me writing this to you, and it will always exist. Maybe like a kind of platonic soul mate? Is there such a thing, anyway?

Anyway... I don't mean to talk your ear off but I am a little sad and just wanted you to hold me in your attention right now. I could really use a hug... In a moment like this, I would want to Facetime with you (even for a few minutes) and act silly. I'd ask you what you thought of my braids. I would hope you'd tell me they look nice BUT they are uneven on one side (because they are).

And then we would say bye and nothing more because we know one of us will call the other one the next day to see what's up.

But I do digress. Thanks for existing in my mind. You know, before I actually meet you. It soothes me to know that you exist even in thought form. I guess that's the whole point, huh? Yeah I'm pretty sure that's right. It's funny because, as I'm typing all this out, on my Youtube playlist, a song titled 'You can only live today' came on. I guess I will choose to take that as a sign to stop writing:)

The Past Self of Your Current Best Friend


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