Rampage of Appreciation- Staying home

I love staying home. I love the feeling of comfort. I love taking care of my dogs. I love cleaning my home and smelling the lemony clean scent of clean sparkly countertops. I love the smell of my Swiffer mop pads in my bathrooms. I love how wonderful I feel. I love the influence of knowing about the law of attraction in my life. I love watching daytime tv. I love picking up my kids from school. I love the love I feel radiating back to me. I love hugs and kisses and kind words and the mutual basking in good feelings. I love getting things done. I love being so organized. I love the way I feel when I redirect my feelings towards something that makes me feel better. I love focus.

I love pajamas. I love hot green tea in a coffee mug with delicious honey swirled into it. I love the sound of the fountain. I like researching things on youtube. I like seeing the success of my website. I like the smiles and hugs and love and respect from my children. I like to watch my children play and interact with one another. I like to watch tv shows about family.

I like my hot giant mug of tea. I like the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. I like days off from work. I like staying home and being with my family. I like making money even when I'm not doing anything in particular. I like sleeping. I like taking naps. I like taking a full breath and spacing out and allowing my mind to go blank. I like smiling. I like knowing that that smile can be there on my face the entire day if I choose. If I so choose, I can smile all day. I can find reasons to smile and maybe even laugh all day long. I can imagine things in my mind that make me happy without ever having anyone or anything to be any different than it already is. I just am. And that simple fact makes me so happy.

Look at the birds, look at the trees, look at my life it is so beautiful and wonderful. I burst with joy at the chance to live it. I look forward to my expansion into knowing myself better and I look forward to all the deliciousness and good feelings I can glean so readily from my experience in this awesome sensory world.



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