My new vision boards- and why I make vision boards-- check it out!

Here are two vision boards I've made recently (recent=the last few months). I really love making vision boards and I think its something everyone can do fairly easily. Don't feel self conscious about what your first ones look like. I think the act of cutting out pictures or shapes and pasting them together is therapeutic in and of itself. I think if you are not really into writing out your visualizations, vision boards might be for you. 
 Everyday, I wake up and this vision board (above) is the first thing I see. It is a beautiful reminder of how I want to feel and the things I want to focus on and it's very helpful in increasing my focus. And it's just pretty to look at:)
I've read and watched other content creators online talk about how a lot of the things on their vision board manifested quickly after they posted up their pictures on the wall with their Elmer's glue stick and scissors by their side. I think while vision boards do help to manifest things into your life but I do it  mainly because it puts a smile on my face and brings me joy to make and to look at.


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