Announcement: I'm writing a book

It's been a long time coming and I'm excited to announce that I have begun (in my mind) creating a small novel.
I've wanted to do this for awhile but have been intimidated to start the project due to the sheer... the sheer gravity of the situation. Writing a book. Holy F*ck!
It's really every literature majors dream to produce one's own writing project all bound up and pretty in a cute little manuscript.
My fear was that I would not understand the mechanics of writing something so long and thus mess it up. And to put all that time and energy into something that does not bear fruit, that would not be read or enjoyed or, let's be real, produce income...
But then I realized that it's better to do something and fail than to never try--of course that's how the old saying goes.
No better time like the present, right?
So, I decided that 4 months is a good amount of time to have a manuscript first draft finished (I know some people take 3 months or even less but-- ummm, naw no thanks to that).
Not really sure what I'm going to write about yet, but I think maybe I will compile my "Letters from Future Me" and connect them into a pretty little story.
What I do know is that on July 14th I will have a manuscript in hand and imperfections and all, I will love it.

Love from,

Contis - in this present moment


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