visualization that time of the month y'all...

And so, yet again it's that time of the month. Uh huh... I have never had any pain or cramps like some women, but I have a little bit of lower energy going on with my body. I just want to rest-- and I am able to take that rest. I have bath salts, scrubs, essential oils, candles and soothing music. Yes. My tubs have jets and I invested in a small dry sauna in my home. My mom is over, and so is my sister and bestie flew in from Houston. We just wrapped up my best friend's wedding earlier this month and it was absolutely gorgeous. She's still giddy and glowing with her newly wed ass. Ma just came back from vacation with my step dad overseas in the Maldives (where in the hell are the Maldives? I will look them up at some point). My sister just came back from a women's retreat and is on a huge health kick. You can bounce a quarter off her butt she's so in shape and dating again, being fawned over by various men...

It's really nice to be in the company of women who are enjoying life as I do. The vibe is high and strong, almost as if the air buzzes like a hive of bees on mute. Even though we are enjoying our living- each-drop-of-positivity lives, and all the details, we are all busy and a bit worn out by all the scheduling and logistics and cashing of large checks at the bank. For those of us who still have a monthly, we are all synced up and in need of some extra self care to keep those vibes leveled-- like blood sugar. All the trials and tribulations (e.g. contrast) test us, try us, grate on us sometimes, but mostly take us down low and up high. Our self care routine (which is every 3 weeks, by the way) helps us put our trials in perspective.

This particular night, we had some great wine and hors d'oeuvres for later- in other words, snacks and booze. We have some movies in mind to fall asleep to as well.

But before all of that, we hired a couple masseuses to hook us up one by one. I set up a table and everything they could possibly need in my private downstairs garden patio. It's nice outside, warm and breezy. We are currently staying in our San Francisco home, my favorite place, and it's an uncharacteristically hot summer day. Me and Ma stay back and sis and best friend go ahead and get their massage treatments. Me and my mom sit on the wooden planks of the sauna fully freed from anything constricting... feeling the slow churning of heat produced by the delicious heat-- heat being the offspring of the life giving sun itself. So beautiful...

We block out time and space and I feel in tune with her in this clear moment. We've got each other. Our families are thriving--  the thing is, we have been this way for some time. We are so thankful and joyous and clear. I reach up and hold her hand for a second. She asks if it's too hot, and I said hell yeah. We go rinse off one by one and wait for sis and best friend to finish their massages on my big king bed. By the end of the night, our tongues are purple, Netflix is all caught up and the masseuses have received nice tips. We have a nice clear and fun day and return to our husbands, kids, jobs, and world dominating businesses-- but next month we do it again, just like clock work.

I'm Looking Out For You, Don't Forget!!

Your Future Self

I like your braids-- they look just like mine. I wear mine about 4 inches shorter... just a suggestion;)


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