Rampage of Appreciation- a good life

I have done everything I've felt like doing and everything I've needed to take care of and everything I've wanted to do deep down and was burning to do. Secondly, I feel free. I feel how hang gliders must feel when they are soaring into the air with the earth and beautiful ocean beneath them. I feel easy. I feel like I just meditated and I have the remainder of the day to do with as I please until the kids get out of school. I feel so free. I feel like I just went swimming and I am sunbathing on a rock knowing that my children are safe still in the water with my husband and the dogs. I feel like I just got a massage and I was totally accepting of the experience and let my body relax completely because the ambiance was so inviting-- I love the smell of the candles burning and the body oil slick on my skin with the beautiful flute or harp music playing in the background. 

I feel like I just found a purse with $1000.00 in it and no one claimed it, and everyone urges me to keep it because somehow it's just meant to be mine. I love the feeling of things coming together at the last minute and I know I know I know that that's how it will go and I'm not even worried in the slightest bit. I love talking so much and so fast with someone who gets me and is following my logic and coming behind it with more questions with the intention of understanding me and having me understand them. I love drinking and laughing with my female family and laughing and having a good time for absolutely no reason at all. I love that sleep I get when there is nothing left I have to do except whatever it is I feel like doing- when I have space to rest. Gosh it feels so good. 

I love long deep tub soaks in wonderful smelling bath bubbles or salts, with the lights dimmed, my music playing softly, and the candle lit and flickering softly. The water so hot that it's uncomfortable for a moment, and then it permeates deeply into my chest and fills me with hope and strong inner warmth. 

I feel rested and ready to go out and face the world. I embrace my experience out in the world. All the time I naturally gravitate towards the experiences and feelings that make me happy and feel the ways in which I expressed above. I can't wait for the next moments of my life here on this planet in this body. I breathe in and I breathe out and I feel good every time. 


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