future me visualization pt 3

I went to the beauty shop today to get my bi-weekly deep conditioner and press and curl. I've been wearing my hair straight these days. Still got the natural curls, but I just wanted to switch it up and try something different. I was tired of the braids, so I decided on a straight short cut that looks good all done up and curly if I'm too lazy to do it in between salon visits. I love my life. Everything I want always comes my way. It's so easy, and you know, before now, I had a hard time fathoming how this could really be my reality but it really fucking is. Just wow-- like a good daydream that never ends.

I like to fully relax when I get my hair done. The shampoo lady who does my hair is really good and always hooks me up and gets those nooks and crannies I typically miss in the shower. Ahhh it feels so good! I know all the stylists in the salon and they're all nice. I even know some of the other ladies that come to the salon. I tend to give out business cards for our BBQ business in the salon-- I just can't help myself. Hey-- the marketing machine never stops and it feels good to brag on one of our businesses. 

Soooo... I leave the beauty salon and say my good buys and thank you's. See a friend and talk a little shit which always puts a smile on my face. I leave the salon, and walk straight out to my cute silver-ish colored Audi and go home to clean up my place. After I straighten up it feels so good to open up the blinds and windows and let the sun spill in while I'm chilling with my dogs drinking tea and listening to music. I decide to take them on a walk, so I walk to go pick up the kiddos. My oldest texts me and lets me know he's taking all the little ones to go to the arcade in his new car he is so proud of so I don't have to get them. In that case, I will walk around and people watch in the beautiful sunlight, and thoroughly enjoy the sun hitting my back and arms, and my muscley calves-- me and hubby been going hiking a lot this past couple months. 

I google a park to let them run off leash and walk there briskly. I set them free to run and frolic and play. I see a tattooed girl with a boxer dog. I talk and bullshit with her for a while and our 3 dogs start to play, as if to sense the energy we put out around us. After the dogs are tired, it feels like a true prize in and of itself so I say goodbye to my friend and take the worn out puppies home. I walk up to my home and pour my puppies on their beds and they curl up and go to sleep while I pull up my kids on my Facetime-- they are having fun. It's very mellow and there's a good clear understanding, mutual respect and love between my family and I. My husband calls me right after (OF COURSE!) and I let his little self know I am on my way to him. I love and always have loved being on my way to him. I love getting paid to write and have businesses and having the time to be there present and accountable for my family. And to have my piece of mind is nice too, haha! I loved working before I quit a year and some months ago, and I also love having companies. It's just a win win win always winning type of situation. I feel blessed beyond measure and half the time I'm just chillin'. It's so easy to get things done so I really don't hesitate to get the shit I have to do out of the way. It's even enjoyable for me and gives me satisfaction. Hmm... Yep. That is me I'm talking about (or rather us). And whenever I get bored I dream up more stuff to put in my vortex of creation to manifest and it happens-- because I'm always feeling good and feeling more good and getting out of my own way. I am not shy or squeamish about my beliefs or who I am and I love my life with my whole everything. Bitch, we didn't make it we are continually making it and re-inventing what it means to make it fearlessly and with an open heart. Sit tight and watch how this shit unfolds-- see you in 2019<3 

Stay Tuned,
Your Future Self


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