Visualization work- pinch me!

I can do whatever I want to do. Read that again. I can do whatever I want to do. That’s right. All my projects are done because I want to do them and have a burning passion for the things I’ve gotten involved in and I make oodles and boodles of money doing it. I am a writer. I own businesses. I am a rich luxurious fabulous writer. I have written books, for magazines, and for online newspapers. I’ve been to talks and done coffee shop readings, and have a website with my name. It feels so freeing to work from home in my home office, or at Starbucks, or wherever I want! The freedom of making money independently feels so amazing. I would say Pinch me but then again, I have been proven successful so many times now I don't think its necessary. I know I'm a success.

Me and my husband cater events. I worked on it gradually for a while and wrote a business plan. I was proud of that business plan after I finished it. I remember taking it to my mother and her brother and everyone in town to check it out and give me feedback. It was very exciting to hear back from our first bank loan application with the green light to deposit it into our business account. We had all the numbers laid out perfectly as to afford and anticipate what we'll need and how much we'd make. We made twice as much as we thought in our first year and even when we weren't sure of how to get more funding for the increased demand--every time law of attraction and a positive attitude kicked in. How are we going to fulfill this order??? I don't know, but I know that everything is working out for me and if I stay in the receptive mode of positive expectation I know that it'll work out even better than I ever imagined. And every time... BAM! There was the answer, always in God's timing, but never too late because we always constantly remind ourselves to take the joy of each precious moment as a reward in and of itself.

We own things. I don't know exactly how it works, but I know we own a lot of stocks and real estate besides our primary residence. We feel good. All the time. All the time we feel good. Strangely enough, I used to worry about buying assets to make money in this volatile political climate (read: Trump, North Korea... and all that jazz) BUT because of my belief in the law of attraction, I have faith that money is not the only thing we're earning. We are ATTRACTING well-being and abundance, not just wealth. Thinking of this puts my mind at ease in more ways than you can fathom.

We are moving to the Philippines in less than 48 hours. We live in San Jose, and also have a small flat in San Francisco. My hubby made good on his promise we'd live there-- much earlier than we thought. But we'd like to live the simple life for a while and get back to the basics. I can write from there and we plan to hand over the reins of the catering operation to our oldest. I have faith in him and I know he will manage to keep his little siblings focused running the business. Okay, our flight is leaving in less than 6 hours and I still have a ton of shit to do (some things never change I guess--last minute chick to the death of us!!). We want to stop off in Japan for a bit to get some sushi. Oooooh  bitch yes, sushi in Japan. Don't wait up!

Love You Always,
Your Future Self


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