visualization of money- Pinch me!

I'm going to the bank and I'm dressed to kill. Sky high heels, grey pants suit, meticulously slicked back hair into a large chignon bun. Makeup on fleek, baby. Perfume gushing excellence and luxury with my grown woman ass. Oooh. I'd do me. Just came from a business meeting and although I'm happy with the outcome, my feet are killing me and I want to wash the paint off my face and crawl under a blanket with some tea before I go and get my kids from school..

So I pry off my shoes as I walk through the door, and take great satisfaction from taking my tight Victoria Secret bra off. Ahhh, sweet relief!

I put on my warm, but not to warm, sweat pants and my perfect soft white tea shirt. I put a cute silk scarf on my hair after freeing it dramatically from its binds. Ohh chile, money's on it's way. I can feel it. My left hand is itching. My meeting went so well, I felt like I was pitching my company to long lost friends. We're going to all hang out soon with our spouses for drinks and dinner and quite possibly some recreation. Dancing or karaoke:) I know they're going to give me what I want and I'm not really worried about it if they did or didn't. I still got money coming from my last business venture. The tea house (kombucha and fermented teas to be exact).

SOOO.... anyway, I've gotten comfortable and I'm on my way to get the money that's already coming after visiting the people with the money that's coming soon. And I'm going downtown. Honestly it really never gets old. The noise, the people, the buildings, the beautiful architecture are so affirming. I fall in love every time I go downtown. Not just San Francisco, but anybodies downtown worth it's snuff. Right now it's san Jose's and I'm inside Comerica Bank--one of my many banks about to make a withdrawal.

I park my black mercedes in the parking garage and it's so cool and quiet it calms my nerves. I wave to the elderly parking attendant. I get out of the car and feel the airy humid spray of the water fountain, and briefly stare down into the giant sun-like statue that they've lit up from underneath. I go inside the building through those huge double doors and look to my left to the suite that houses Comerica Bank. I go inside and relish standing at the top of the stairs. Mmmm. Feels good. The old reddish burgundy carpets smell old and woody--like old money. I walk toward the teller guided by the black vinyl ropes and stand there waiting for one of the people ahead of me to finish up. We are the only three in the bank, which I've never seen busy in the years I've been here.

I get to the teller and she greets me courteously. I give her my withdrawal slip for $10,000 and she takes it like it's nothing. She knows me, and even if she didn't she would understand. We just bought a new home and we need some new furniture and things so I went to make a withdrawal. I could just use my card to buy the things but I'd rather use cash-- cash is so easy. I smile at the teller and put the money in my purse in my money carrying bag. I like my visits to the bank. It's soothing...

I click on my cell phone and call my husband to let him know I'm going to get the kids. Living spaces, here we come. I'm excited to decorate the new house and run around in living spaces with the kids to pick brand spanking new furniture which we pay for in cash. Shit sometimes I feel guilty for how well we live, and how good we feel compared to other people. But then I remember that God wants us to feel good and live well to the best of our abilities. My life is a vacation and I so appreciate every moment. That's how it's supposed to be. And that's how it is!


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