evenings while sick visualization

I come inside the house and it's raining cats and dogs out there. Such a fucking relief to get inside the door because the house is so quiet and outside is so loud. Even though the rain is soft,it is consistent and massive in its collective dripping--pretty amazing. I put my keys up, take off my coat in our beautiful wooden mudroom. The lighting is yellowish and soft, dim yet still feels bright enough. I go to the guest bathroom and get some toilet paper to wipe my nose. My husband feeling little under the weather and stayed home today. The kids are already home-- at their moms or our house up stairs playing-- all picked up a la Joshua. It's weird with him having a functional drivers license now.
I hear a chorus of teenage voices upstairs calling down and saying hi to me. I smile. It's a simple gesture but it makes me exceedingly happy.

I go to the kitchen with the same lovely soft yellow light inside and look in the freezer to find frozen chicken sopas from yesterday night. 


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