Future me visualization pt 1

The other day, I had a visualization. I often do this as a way to relief tension and stress while meditating and to ease my way into relaxation. It was of me at different fazes of my life--I was talking to different past "me's" as the me I am now and reassuring them of their future destiny. This process felt healing. But as I came into the present moment "me", running out of past "me's" to sooth, I started to think about what future "me" will be like, or rather what I would want her to be like.

Here is a visualization I've had a couple of times about future Me (sidetone: this bitch is fabulous):

I'm in a fancy neighborhood standing on sidewalk in front of a large home. I see a black Mercedes pull up nonchalantly in front of me, between me and the large house. The windows are slightly tinted. The woman rolls down the window and I see her...Me. She has blond colored box braids framing her cute slightly older me face. More freckles. More laugh lines. She's wearing peddle pushing workout pants, tennis shoes, and a yellow "Baby's Pinoy BBQ" t-shirt. She nods to the passenger seat next to her as if to say "Get in" and I walk around the car, open the door and sit down. It smells really good in her car. In my car. In our car...? I don't know-- It smells good. Tropical island smell, clean car but slightly messy in the backseat. Carseat is there. This makes me break out into a goofy smile that I keep to myself.

She begins to talk to me. "Hi baby. I'm so glad to see you. You look so beautiful." She proceeded to grab my hand, hers was so warm and so real, and squeeze my hand so tight. "You came to see me, huh?" She laughed and smiled "Well, I only want to assure you of a couple things before you go. One, stop dealing so heavily with how people feel about you. Remember that it does not matter. Second thing, just know that non-physical's got your back. Remember that everything is always working out for you, and stop being scared." She winked at me with a wry smile...

And then, just and quickly as she was there, she was gone.


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