All I Wanted Was a Piece of Pie....?!?

Life is a whirlwind sometimes. Like swimming in the choppy waters of a wave pool when the waves come on and you are treading water trying to stay afloat but every time you get a small gasp of air another wave slaps you across the face, dragging you down under the water. Holding your breath...It leaves you holding your breath. And you keep trying, doggedly to make it to the surface of the water. And just when you start to get the feeling that you might take your last breath in that pool and your arms and legs are overtired, lungs burning and heaving from taking in too much chlorinated water, the waves start to let up and become flatter and flatter, like a tropical ocean opening up into sunshine after a terrible storm. You come to the surface and look around like your eyes can't hardly believe it. And then you do it all over again in 10 minutes like it's the first time it's ever happened.

That's how being apart of a blending family is everyday. You never know what mood your kids will be in, what rampage your husband will be on, or if you can hold it together without going on a warpath of your own. All I wanted was a mutherfucking piece of pie?!?


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